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Test Blogger and Earn Easy Money

Google Blogger is a great free blogging platform. Often they run usability studies to get feedback from users about new features and blogging issues. If you like playing with Blogger for an hour and easily earn $100, you can sign up for the event.

They announced today that you can Sign up to participate in this ‘Google user experience research’ study. Read the FAQ for more information and it says they pay $75 for each hour that you spend with a Google researcher, either in person or on the phone. Most studies last for one to one-and-a-half hours and they don’t pay for your travel time, or travel expenses.

They offer 4 modes in which you can participate -
# Travel to a Google office (Google HQ in Mountain View, California or other offices)
# Participate remotely from your computer (high-speed Internet connection needed)
# Have a Google researcher visit (field study)
# Fill out an online survey

I remember they had run a similar event for Blogger User Testing event at Google HQ earlier where the deal was for $50.